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The First Presbyterian Church of Tallahassee
Description of Work: The First Presbyterian Church, built in 1836, is the oldest building in Tallahassee, Florida still being used for its original purpose. It is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The original brick construction suffered from poorly fired brick. Columns and stucco were added for support. After about 150 years the stucco began to delaminate and collect moisture causing the painted wall surfaces to peel and allowing water to migrate to the building’s interior.
Wall repairs consisted of first mapping out all hollow areas and surface sealing the numerous hairline cracks. Then injecting the hollow areas with epoxy using surface mounted ports. Hammer sounding the wall to monitor material flow during injection insured all hollows were filled.
Two very heavy coats of premium elastomeric material were applied to all exterior wall surfaces.
Final touches included new copper gutters and downspouts, Sandblasted and coated cast iron downspout boots and railings.